
teresa trepanier 6 ár síðan í Appointments Module Uppfært 6 ár síðan 4

Is anyone else noticing that when you check a client is it does not update that on the log? 


Waiver for client's to sign if they are requesting text reminders.

Kelli Feucht- ACS 6 ár síðan í Appointments Module Uppfært 6 ár síðan 2

Dose anyone know is it a requirement to have a waiver signed by the patient if they are receiving text reminders for thier appointments?  The waiver would list a disclaimer that text/data rates may apply if they elect to receive auto text reminders for their appointments.  Any information you can provide would be appreciated.


KNOWN ISSUE: Cannot Save Group Appointments

Rachael Smith (VP, Professional Services) 6 ár síðan í Appointments Module Uppfært 6 ár síðan 2

Currently, the ability to save a Group Appointment is not available.

We are investigating this issue and will post updates as soon as possible.

Please ticket Customer Support at Procentive if you have further questions.

Thank you,

Rachael Smith

Customer Support and Training Specialist 


This issue has now been resolved.  If you have any questions or need further clarification, please ticket Procentive Customer Support.

Thank you,

Rachael Smith

Customer Support and Training Specialist


Staff Availability - Appointment Module

Jamie Skrove 6 ár síðan í Appointments Module Uppfært 6 ár síðan 3

Hello - since the appointment module update, are other users having issues with getting changes in staff availability to save? 


Appointment Screen on an Ipad

leslie 6 ár síðan í Appointments Module 0

Hello all,

 does anyone know a setting or another fix for the apt screen on an Ipad pro? When we are in our calendar, several hours show that we do not use, making our providers scroll down to get to their day. there is no "scroll" bar on the right side as there is on a PC. Thank you in advance.


Tracking clients insurance

Laura Hulsey 7 ár síðan í Appointments Module updated by teresa trepanier 6 ár síðan 1

How does your organization track which clients have had their insurance benefits verified versus those that have not been verified for outpatient appointments?  (So all administrative staff can "see" this upon intake in procentive-specifically the Appointment Module)


Automated Reminders

Jami 7 ár síðan í Appointments Module updated by Alicia Swanson 7 ár síðan 15

It has been brought to my attention by several patients over the past couple of days, that they are not receiving the automated reminders from Procentive. In appointments I see the yellow check mark, that indicates the reminder is being sent out. This glitch has resulted in several no-shows and a surplus of work for staff, who are having to manually notify patients of their appointments. Is anyone else having this issue?

Alicia Swanson 7 ár síðan

FIXED UPDATE: Appointment Reminder Notifications are fixed!

The ProCare Team knows this feature is critical to your agency’s operations and to resolve this we have moved this function to another server to prevent this from happening again.  During the transition, reminders were send intermittently and now with the transition complete they are consistently being sent.  If you have further questions please send Procentive a support ticket, we are happy to serve you. 

Thank you to the staff who submitted tickets with specific examples allowing us to locate and resolve this issue.  

The ProCare Team


tracking & documenting case consult attendance

Kim Ross 7 ár síðan í Appointments Module updated by sarah 7 ár síðan 1

Is anyone using Procentive to track & document staff attendance at case consults? We are looking at creating and using a non-billable code and a case consult Procentive document so staff can log easily log their attendance by doing a time add like when they have client appointment. It would be helpful to know what others have discovered so I can avoid all the trial and error! :) Thanks in advance. 


two appointments in one day for same client

Jenny 7 ár síðan í Appointments Module updated by anonymous 7 ár síðan 1

Has anyone had the same client require two separate calendar appointments in the same day? If so, how where you able to document both sessions as separate appointments?


Reserve company resources without making a client appointment

Jonathan Beulke 7 ár síðan í Appointments Module updated by Sheryl Martin 7 ár síðan 7

Does anyone know of a way to reserve resources such as conference rooms, vehicles, etc. without needing to make a client appointment?

For example, a staff needs to reserve a vehicle every other Friday to run on facility errands, but will not be taking any clients with him.  Currently, it appears we are unable to make an "appointment" in the appointments module without having a client associated with the appointment.  We do not want to make a fake client profile just to be able reserve something.

Does anyone have any ideas how we can accomplish this?  I'm wondering if I'm just missing something.

Thank you!