
Error messages

NP Support 7 years ago in Clients Module updated 7 years ago 4

We are currently getting error messages when trying to navigate the client module, and when saving or opening appointments, etc.  Anyone else seeing this?  Many staff are reporting it here.


Adding Staff to Multiple Clients

Sam 7 years ago in Clients Module updated by Missy 5 years ago 2

Is it possible to add multiple clients to one staff other than doing it individually for each client? We have about 40+ clients and around 35 staff and every time we hire a new employee, I have to add them to each client 1 by 1. Is it possible to add 40 something clients to 1 new staff all at once vs. adding 1 new staff to 40 different clients individually?


Diagnostic date automatically uploaded

Sam 7 years ago in Clients Module 0

When new reports are created (DA's, EIDBI ITP's, and CMDE's), can the diagnosis date/ITP date's/CMDE dates automatically post in the client's module under the diagnosis/treatment plan tabs? If so, how can we make this happen?


Make client module mobile friendly with a hyperlink

Jonathan Beulke 7 years ago in Clients Module updated by Grant Atwood 7 years ago 4

It would be great if the Client Module could be modified to be somewhat mobile friendly. The way it is now, the only way I know of to open a client profile in the Client Module is by double-clicking on the client itself. As far as I know, this is not possible to do on a mobile device, as double tapping on anything in a browser serves as a zoom function.

Would it be at all possible to hyperlink the clients' names in the Client Module so we can access their profile? This is already done in the Time Module, so to me it makes sense that it can be done in the Client Module.

Thanks for the consideration!


Can't enter payer

Allysa 8 years ago in Clients Module updated 8 years ago 2

For whatever reason last week and now into this week I have not been able to enter a payer in the client module. When I click add I get the pop up box with my payer options and I can select however it does not save. Has anyone else had this experience? This may be a contact Procentive issue.


Are there settings to make the Clients module and Time Module client search box load faster?

kajohnson 10 months ago in Clients Module updated by Julie Timm 10 months ago 1

Both appear to default to first pulling up a list of all clients we've ever had, so it's very slow to load. It also will not allow the user to search for a specific client until this initial loading is complete.  Settings currently in place: Location, Staff, Program, and Note Type are set to all and Client Status is set to Active & Inactive.



Diagnosis Tab not working

Steph H 1 year ago in Clients Module updated 1 year ago 4

Anyone else having issues entering DX codes in client mod for new clients?  Just started today. We can access the code dropdown and select the code but nothing happens when we select "OK".  We also can't manually enter the code. 


Problems with viewing records?

Hanna 1 year ago in Clients Module updated by Bobbi 1 year ago 4

Does anyone else have issues with viewing records? We have a front desk worker who is not able to see any records, to fulfill records requests coming in (part of the front desk job)...  

I started out as a front desk worker and am now in billing, but this new worker can never see records on a client's dashboard or anywhere (if it is before a certain point). I was always able to see EVERYONE's info to fulfill requests (when I was in the same role). 

Any thoughts or solutions?


KNOWN ISSUE: Error in Client Module

Chris Werner 2 years ago in Clients Module updated 2 years ago 1


We are aware of a known issue with an error screen populating when trying to save a change in the Client Module and/or trying to “tab” through client details.

It is important to note, the changes are being saved, even though you are seeing the error screen!

Our Dev Team is investigating the issue and we will update you on here as soon as we have more information.

We apologize for the inconvenience this is causing you but please know it is our priority to get this resolved.


Text Messaging

Katie Butterfield 3 years ago in Clients Module 0

Is there a way to send HIPAA-compliant text messages thru Procentive to clients??